Our Boat ~ Argonaut IV
Argonaut IV
Since 2003 we have owned and operated the fishing boat Argonaut IV, which is the eighth fishing boat we have owned over our 160 year fishing history. Although based in Clogherhead, the Argonaut IV also operates out of Dunmore East on the south coast as we fish the waters of both the Irish and Celtic seas depending on the time of year and the location of fish stocks.
The Argonaut IV fishes year round and is skippered by Jonathan Kirwan, who is the 4th generation of fishermen in the Kirwan family and the youngest seine net skipper in Ireland.
On returning to harbour after a fishing trip, the fish catch from the Argonaut IV is transferred directly to the Fisherman’s Catch fish shop. This guarantees that the fish we supply to our customers could not be fresher.
The method of fishing we use is seine netting or Scottish fly dragging, which is the most environmentally friendly and fuel efficient form of fishing. As seine netting does not involve trawling nets for long periods on the sea bed, the fish that are caught are retained in excellent condition, which again guarantees the quality of fish that we supply to our customers in the shop.

Fish Shop Opening Hours
Fish & Chips Opening Hours
Bank Holiday Hours